
Charge to Parallel Sessions

  1. Introduce yourselves and choose someone to report back (15 min talk + 5 min questions)  to the Plenary Sessions on Thursday and Friday.

  2. Most Parallel Sessions have one scheduled talk to stimulate discussion. The remainder of the time is reserved for discussion and writing! Feel free to start google docs to collaboratively capture important ideas and paragraphs that should appear in the science white papers received by the Decadal Committee.

  3. Discussions should zero in on the question “Which science goals would be most at risk without advanced data facilities?”

    • What are the most important missions and facilities for accomplishing high priority science in the 2020s?

    • Evaluate the size and complexity of the data sets that are expected to arise from these missions.

    • What theory and simulation data sets will be needed to interpret observational data sets?

    • If the data were available now, would existing data facilities be sufficient for achieving the science goals?

    • How do the current astrophysics archives and platforms need to evolve to support new science opportunities with the data sets in the 2020s?

    • What science could be done with existing data sets that isn’t happening because of difficulties in exploiting the data?

    • What are the key plots and sound bites that we need to show the Decadal Committee?

    • What else?